Wednesday, March 4, 2009

More Media and Political Seduction

Employee Free Choice Act

You never heard of it and if you were a politician you would vote for it because how can you be against FREE and EMPLOYEE and CHOICE.

In a nut shell, this law does away with SECRET ballots in Unionization Votes. Everyone, the company and the union and all the employees know how every person cast their vote. Do you think this would work in other elections? Would you like your vote known to everyone?

AND it gets worse. There is also a provision in the proposed law that would make the government the arbitrator in any dispute. The Employee would be left out of the process. The government would impose its solution on the dispute regardless of how the employees felt.


The Obama administration's new budget, with deficits that make previous irresponsibile deficits look like child's play, has a cover that says "A New Era of Responsibility." How can a politician be a bad guy when he votes for this name and by the way never bothers to read much less explain to the people who elected him. Of course that assumes he know what is happening. Go online and read "Power of Life and Death Is In Our Words" by Thomas Sowell.

NOW for Personal Seduction. The same type of things happen with words in the seduction of your wife for example. Sweetheart, Do you remember that time in the mountians when you were so turned on that .... You can elobrate on the activity from here. At some point she says, "Are you trying to use some nlp seduction pattern on me" or something similar. First never deny what you are doing. Just say, "Yes, and it is your RESPONSIBILITY to make sure that I do it in such a way that you get exactly what you want, isn't it." And keep going.

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